Tuesday 17 May 2011

Who invented the Hoody?

No one is entirely sure about this, sadly, some attribute it to an american company champion textiles others say it was like all great inventions a pure accident.

Whom ever invented it has left a fashion legacy that remains timeless and sees no sign of dying out.

Hoodies were first introduced in the early 1980s, but were worn almost exclusively by athletes in various sports. Thirty years later, however, the hoodie has evolved into a popular piece of casual wear for men and women alike. Hoodies have become popular for a variety of reasons. Some say they represent a “street type” lifestyle, while others insist that they wear them simply for warmth and comfort.

Hoodies are extremely popular with, men, women and children alike. They have evolved from a niche clothing market, previously associated with skaters, to mainstream fashion.

Hoodies are great for layering in colder weathers as well as been a fantastic fashion item.

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